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NAKAYI DAPHINE – St. Vincent Pallotti


Nakayi Daphine  (13 Years from Bukakata village) was identified from Bukakata staying with her mother Nangobya Rose a single mother. She was born with club feet. She was operated on twice at the National Referral Hospital but the clubs reappeared after 3 months. Due to financial constraints, her mother could not go back to the hospital for surgery.

Through community volunteers in Bukakata, Daphine was connected to the Rehabilitation team of St. Vincent Pallotti’s Initiative for PWDs. Needs assessment was done and it was discovered that Daphine had to be taken back to the hospital for surgery for both her left and right foot. However she had to first undergo the process of manipulation and casting.

She was enrolled on the CoRSU Community Based Rehabilitation Program and when the

orthopaedic clinic was started at the center at Kitovu, Daphine was invited to have Casting and Manipulation (POP) done for her feet.

Surgery of both her right and left feet was conducted and it was a success. She is currently undergoing weekly medical reviews and physiotherapy.

Daphine during casting Daphine after surgery Completed Rehabilitation







St. Vincent Pallotti’s Initiative for People with Disabilities Ltd, Kitovu Masaka Diocese is a result of the humble beginnings of a program for the provision of services to PWDs in the Diocese of Masaka which started in 2003

Contact Info

P.O. Box 1427 Masaka, Uganda – East Africa.

Phone: +256 753 199 421

Mobile: +256 781 472 810

Web: Come Visit us today!